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Rripangu Djalu
Didgeridoo Workshop

Impressions of theRripangu Djalu Didgeridoo Workshop
Eisenbach, Black Forest, 15 - 27 July 
(photos from july 16, 2002)
Click the images for large size photos. 
(all photos: © 2002, Roland Mathijssen,

15 to 27 july Eisenbach (Schwarzwald) hosted the
Rripangu Yirdaki Festival
with Djalu and family
This page contains photos from July 16


In the south-western part of Germany in the Black Forest in Eisenbach, close to France and Switzerland, Djalu and family recreated a small piece of Aboriginal Australia.
There were workshops Didgeridoo playing, building, dancing, basket weaving, painting, spear throwing, etc. And of course there were corroborees..
Eisenbach, Schwarzwald
Hotel Bad, Gasthof
 Eisenbach, Schwarzwald Hotel Bad, Gasthof 

Tuesday afternoon, 16 July

One of the participants was a half-blood Indiaan (living in fact in the Netherlands). Since he was about to go back home again, he wanted to thank Djalu and family with a Medicine man dance (it was more or less what he did for a living :-)   )
In return Djalu and family gave a corroboree in "full dressing".
Indian with flute
Indian with flute
The Aboriginal men from
America and Australia

Djalu, Andrew, Alfred, Larry,
Djalu, Andrew, Sylvester, Alfred and Larry

Djalu and Larry
Djalu "fighting" with Sylvester

Djalu and Sylvester

Djalu still dancing along
A "fight".

Truly remarkable 
how much energy 
Djalu has!


The stories (dreamtime stories) are often told in a singing way (songlines). Often dancing accompanies the songlines to vizualise the story. The clapstick support the singing and in Arnhemland, where the didgeridoo originates, the didgeridoo can make the singing strong.
Tradition determines what the didgeridoo plays during the songlines. Further the didge has to follow the clapsticks. The didge is never leading.
Songman, clapsticks, didgeridoo
Didge (Andrew) and Songman (Alfred)


The Didge player


Dancing during the songlines

Djalu and family



Oh by the way,

Yes, there were also Djalu Didgeridoo's :-)